
In addition to my participation at academic conferences, I have also spoken at events organized by government, the corporate sector and civil society groups regularly over my career.  I have always endeavored to engage with practitioners and stakeholders, and to explain my research in clear and accessible language. There is an “art” to speaking publicly about privacy and digital technologies. Over the years, I have endeavored to master that art.

I have spoken at conferences and workshops in over 30 countries in North America, Europe and Asia during my career, and am enthusiastic about continuing this work. I have been a regular speaker at:

The Vancouver International Privacy and Security Summit, organized by Reboot communications.

Computers, Privacy and Data Protection Conference in Brussels.

The Annual Canadian conference of the International Association of Privacy Professionals 

The Annual conference of Privacy Laws and Business in Cambridge, UK.

The Global Privacy Assembly – formerly the International Conference of Privacy and Data Protection Commissioners

The Asian Privacy Scholars Network.

Other significant presentations include:

“Data-driven elections and the micro-targeting of voters:  key issues for privacy advocates,” Keynote address to XI Brazilian Seminar on Privacy and Personal Data   Protection (November 17, 2020 == via Zoom).

“The Governance of Privacy in Canada:  Past, Present and Future,”  Annual Nymark Lecture.  Ottawa, Museum of Nature, June 26, 2019.

“Privacy, Voter Surveillance and Democratic Engagement:  Challenges for Data Protection Authorities,” Presentation of report to closed session of the International Conference of Privacy and Data Protection Authorities, Tirana, Albania, October 2019.

“The Encoded Voter:  Data Driven Elections in Western Democracies,”  Address to Frankurt Colloquium on the Future of the Internet,  May 21, 2019.

“Data-Driven Elections in Democratic Societies: Early Lessons from the Cambridge  Analytica Scandal,”  Lecture to AI and Society Meeting, Tokyo, May 7, 2018.

Keynote address to CLAW 2017, the Third International IEEE Workshop on Legal and  Technical Issues in Cloud Computing and the Internet of Things, April 7, 2017,   Vancouver, Canada.

The Politics of Privacy and the Privacy of Politics:  Voter Surveillance in Western Democracies,” First annual CRISP lecture, Edinburgh, April 3rd, 2013

Speaking Of Privacy Rights